Jack Brewer: Trump’s Policies are Bettering Lives of Black Americans

We need to get black America back to the days when we protected and valued black lives, versus manifesting war-like conditions in many of the largest black urban areas of the country. If only we could get back to when our black leaders dedicated their lives to advocating for issues affecting the black community, unlike today when most remain mute following dozens of their constituents being shot in the streets on a weekly basis.

So when Trump asked black Americans in 2016 “what do you have to lose?” I was listening. Since then, Trump has been writing himself quite the legacy with his policies that are helping black Americans:

Reversing mass incarceration of blacks in America

By now many black Americans are aware that President Trump has taken bold steps to repeal the Democratic lead 1994 crime bill. After almost three decades of mass incarcerating far too many blacks across America, the First Step Act is resulting in scores of blacks being let out of prison for nonviolent crimes. Now it’s time to use the energy that we are putting into calling the president racist and redirect it to continue lobbying the local and state governments to follow President Trump’s lead to end mass incarceration for nonviolent crimes.

Giving most money ever to historically black colleges

Can anyone guess which U.S. president has given the most money in history to American black colleges? Yes, that would be Donald J. Trump. Trump’s executive order to give more money to our historically black colleges and universities than any president in history is something that was muted by most liberal media and sadly ignored by even the most prominent alumni of HBCUs. Several of these schools were closing down and facing bankruptcy before Trump.

Investing in black communities across America

“Opportunity Zones” are leading the way for the Trump revolution to bring real dollars back to black inner cities across America. Despite the rhetoric from the left about the Trump tax cuts only benefiting the rich, this program can literally help resurrect the most underserved communities in America.

Addressing a health crisis for blacks with initiative to end AIDS by 2030

After securing a massive donation of billions in AIDS medication, President Trump then went on to place $291 million in the FY2020 Health and Human Services budget focused on ending the HIV epidemic. Through blacks represent only 13 percent of the overall population, we represent 42 percent of new HIV diagnoses.

Read the full article here.

Photo credit: Johnny Silvercloud (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

Jack Brewer, is a former NFL safety and 3x team captain who played for the Vikings, Giants, Eagles and Cardinals. 

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