Judge: Pro-lifer Can't Parody Pro-Abortion NAACP

choice-killsScore one for speech suppression.

The NAACP prevailed in its copyright infringement suit against Ryan Bomberger, BCN contributor and pro-lifer who created provocative black pro-life billboard campaigns (“Black Children Are An Endangered Species”).

The organization sued Bomberger for using a parodied version of its logo. He filed a countersuit against the NAACP, accusing the organization of intimidation. Bomberger claimed a right under fair use to use the term “National Association for the Abortion of Colored People” and a logo that appeared similar. He also sought a declaration that he was protected under the First Amendment.

The court ruled that Bomberger’s parody title and logo could confuse or deceive the public.

“We’ve been using this [parody] for years, and no one has ever been confused, written to us, [or] called us thinking that we were somehow the NAA**,” Bomberger said to WORLD in an e-mail.

Not only does the permanent injunction require Bomberger to remove the online article, it gave him 15 days to destroy anything else—including signs, social media posts, research, and computer memory—that references the NAACP or its logo. In addition, Bomberger may never again use the parodied phrase “National Association for the Abortion of Colored People” because it confuses people about the real organization. Bomberger’s attorneys plan to ask the judge for clarification of the overly-broad ruling.

“The ruling is a frightening attack on the First Amendment,” Bomberger said. “In essence, the ruling prevents us from criticizing, from commenting upon, or even satirizing an organization’s documented actions in a news commentary.”

Naturally, Bomberger is reticent to even mention the NAACP now. He’s known for exposing Planned Parenthood’s eugenic roots and the NAACP’s complicity in supporting the abortion mill and the continued slaughter of unborn babies. Bomberger believes Planned Parenthood targets blacks and notes that the NAACP doesn’t seem concerned about the disproportionate abortion rate among blacks.

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