Just Like All Leftists, Kamala Harris Weaponizes Race

President Joe Biden has left the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who intends to run for president. She doesn’t have the nomination, but with the endorsement of Bill and Hillary Clinton and other high-profile people in the party (and the money), Harris likely will be the party’s nominee.

Like other leftists, Harris weaponizes race. For example, she portrayed the police negatively after the deaths of Michael Brown and Breonna Taylor. Harris tweeted about Brown’s “murder” on the fifth anniversary of his death.

In a report released last year, “The Weaponization of Race is Hurting America,” Star Parker and Marty Dannenfelser documented the following:

The circumstances of Michael Brown’s death in 2014 were investigated by the Obama Justice Department (under Attorney General Eric Holder) and Saint Louis County prosecutors, among others. George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley explains why no charges were ever brought against police officer Darren Wilson…

Harris also helped raise bail money for rioters during the destructive and dangerous George Floyd riots that occurred in Minneapolis in the summer of 2020.

Star and Marty wrote that the left “has weaponized racial issues in a manner that divides Americans into separate identity groups and proclaims that blacks are inherently victims trapped in a systemically racist culture that has been instituted by white supremacists.”

If Harris becomes president, that’s exactly what she’ll continue to do.

And what did this “border czar” do about the border — besides allowing drug cartels and human smugglers free reign? Here’s a better title for Harris: abortion czar.

If you didn’t get a chance to read CURE’s report, now is the time. You can read it on the website or download the PDF version.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (Creative Common) –  Some rights reserved

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