What ‘Tolerant’ Leftists Said About Tim Scott After Rebuttal — This Black Congressman Has a Message for Them

Senator Tim Scott gave the GOP’s rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last week, and what some leftists said afterward should come as no surprise.

Sen. Scott said in the rebuttal that leftists have called him “Uncle Tom” and the N-word for being a black conservative, and they remained true to form. During and after the speech, some Twitter users called him an “Uncle Tom,” while others used a play on the slur, “Uncle Tim.” The New York Post reported that the latter term was trending for 12 hours before Twitter banned it. Sen. Scott talked about it on Fox News:

“The left has lost their mind today. It’s really saddening to see. What the left is doing is fighting bigotry with bigotry, and they’ve exposed their hypocrisy and their true motivation,” he continued, noting that those incentives have “nothing to do with ending prejudice.”

At least one black leftist spoke out about white leftists calling black conservatives Uncle Toms. Marc Lamont Hill, a Temple University professor and host of BET News wrote the following on Twitter:

“Note to White liberals: NEVER refer to Black people as Uncle Toms. I don’t care how ‘down’ you are with racial justice. I don’t care how much ‘better’ your politics are than the Black person you’re criticizing. DO NOT DO IT.”

U.S. Representative Bryon Donalds, a black conservative from Florida, recently appeared on Fox News to talk about the left’s reaction to Sen. Scott’s rebuttal. The host said that Joy Behar [a host on “The View”] thinks the majority of the country doesn’t know the difference between a racist country and systemic racism. Does he believe the same?

Rep. Donalds answered no and asked why we’re even listening to Joy Behar. “Who is she? I don’t need her to tell me about what’s racist and what’s not. She already had her own issues wearing blackface. I know that ‘The View’ has given her a pass, but I’m not. Rep. Donalds said he is “sick and tired” of this conversation about racism, calling it “ridiculous.”

Leftists like to call themselves tolerant, Rep. Donalds said, so they should be tolerant. “Actually listen to the words of Sen. Tim Scott, which were actually quite profound, instead of just running back to your corner and digging out ‘Mein Kampf’ or the ‘Communist Manifest0’ to figure out what your next talking point is going to be.”

People pontificate on social media, but they don’t want to actually debate these ideas face to face, Rep. Donalds said. Do you want to have a conversation on race? Let’s sit down at the table “and go through idea after idea.” But leftists “would rather take apart black conservatives because we don’t follow the script. We don’t fit the narrative, and we have a different viewpoint for America.”

Rep. Donalds said the reason he’s upset about all this is that we have to be calm and explain these things to the American people and not demonize others over political views. Watch the brief clip for more.

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One comment

  1. I totally agree with Senator Tim Scott he knows our dear leader President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden is very intellectually challenged an has not come up with an original idea in years and I do not expect he ever will! My beautiful wife and I are great fans of two of the most astute political commentators on television Diamond and Silk who refer to our dear leader President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden as Jim Crow Joe!