Let's Unite and Fight ISIS

SotloffHaving studied and taught history, I tend to look at things with a slightly longer view and in a broader context than most people. Most people tend to view the political world map as always having looked the way it does, but that clearly is not the case. The fact is that every couple of generations the geopolitical divisions change in a fairly dramatic way.

Most of these geopolitical changes, obviously, occur as a result of war or some armed conflict. ISIS has vowed to be the precipitating force for the next major geopolitical changes on the world map. ISIS is quickly encroaching on Jordan and has vowed to take control of the Holy Land. ISIS has also vowed to recapture Spain in the name of Islam.

If that’s not enough, not to be outdone by the ISIS newcomers, al-Qaeda has decided to focus its efforts on a conquest of the entire Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Just five years ago, such exaggerated ambitions would have been considered little more than an absurd bluster by a small group seeking media attention. However, after viewing the ease with which ISIS has captured large swaths of northern Iraq and northern Syria, we all are right to be concerned.

The West and the Christian world should similarly be concerned that some of our citizens swiftly flocked to Syria and Iraq to assist ISIS in its efforts.

What should the United States do next? Recently I wrote an article calling for Kenya to be the firewall against Islam in Africa. However, the struggle in Kenya is only one front in this war against ISIS butchers, who will most assuredly stop at nothing in their effort to impose their barbarous brand of Islam.

We need several firewalls, and prompt and decisive action by world leaders, in order to extinguish the threat that radical Islam poses to our way of life.

The West, its affected political allies in the region, corporations and Christians must unite to stop ISIS now. How, you may be asking? First, Jordan and Turkey must also serve as firewalls. Jordan is all that stands between ISIS and Israel. Turkey, a secular state and NATO member with which the U.S. shares some affinity, must also be protected. If Turkey were to somehow fall to ISIS it would be an immediate psychological defeat for Europe.

Nations must step up in several ways. Nations must refuse to purchase or refine oil from any oil fields ISIS captures, and must make every effort to liberate those fields. Also, countries should immediately revoke the citizenship of those who leave home to fight with ISIS against the civilized world. The United Nations or the U.S., acting unilaterally, must confront France about press reports that it has been paying ISIS ransoms for its kidnapped citizens, funds which essentially gave ISIS start-up funds for its reign of terror. There is a high level of discernment with banks; however, money-transfer companies such as Western Union, MoneyGram International and Xoom must be discriminating when transfering funds into ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Shabab strongholds.

Last, and certainly not the least important, Christians and Jews must unite in prayer for peace and safety. In Zechariah 2:5, the Lord promises that he will be a wall of fire around his city. We need to come together. Deuteronomy 32:30 says that one person can put one thousand enemies of God to flight and two can put ten thousand enemies to flight. Imagine the power of thousands coming together in prayer and unity to defeat the threat that ISIS poses to the people of God.

Photo credit: ISIS video

P21CouncilNeddArchbishop Council Nedd II, a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network. He is the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Missionary Church in the United States and the Archbishop of Abu Dhabi. Comments may be sent to Project21@nationalcenter.org.

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