The leftist strategy to disrupt and divide is spreading across our nation. A significant example of its impact on our culture is the attempt to marginalize and dismantle Christianity’s influence in the public sphere. The Christian Reformed Church (CRC) in North America has recently become a public target of this leftist strategy, which aims to create chaos and confusion within the body of Christ. For more details about this situation, you can visit
The current conflict within the CRC is unfolding in Michigan. Thirty-three ministers have disaffiliated from the CRC due to its firm stance on biblical sexuality. The LGBTQ agenda continues to impose its beliefs on the body of Christ.
The backstory of this effort is rooted in a strategy outlined by certain leftist thinkers, often referred to as Marxist philosophers. Their plan aims to diminish Christianity’s influence in the public square and reshape Western civilization according to a socialist paradigm.
William S. Lind, the editor of The American Conservative, wrote in a 2009 article titled “The Root of Political Correctness” that Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs argued, “Western culture and the Christian religion had so blinded the working class to its true (Marxist) class interest that Communism was impossible in the West until traditional culture and Christianity were destroyed.”
The division occurring in many churches centers around the issue of biblical sexuality. Lind further writes that in 1919, Georg Lukas, who served as the Deputy Commissar for Culture in Hungary, introduced sex education into schools. He understood that undermining traditional sexual morals would be a significant step toward dismantling Western culture itself.
The CRC is currently engaged in a conflict aimed at altering God’s view of sexuality to align with that of the “sons of disobedience,” which in this case are the LGBT community. This perspective challenges biblical values and opposes the word of God. The ministers who support this viewpoint are seen as standing against God. Rather than adhering to biblical principles, they have abandoned scripture and adopted what the Apostle Paul describes as “doctrines of demons.”
One of the consequences of the Marxist strategy is evident in the capitulation of the Institute For Christian Studies affiliated with CRC. “It became a reputational issue and an identity issue because our affiliation with the CRC clouded our identity,” Ron Kuper said. Kuper said, “We were trying to recruit board members, and when they saw the affiliation, they declined to join our board, even though we have a history of speaking out on this issue and supporting LGBTQ+ persons.”
Money undoubtedly influenced the Institute’s decision to disaffiliate—the power of finances over God’s perspective on human sexuality. The LGBTQ community is creating chaos and division to secure a Marxist result.
Pastor Stephen Broden
Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Dallas, Texas 75223
The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.
Photo credit: Tim Evanson (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved