Louisiana College Exempt from Abortion Pill Mandate

abortion-is-not-health-care_2Score one more for religious freedom and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADC).

The Christian advocacy group represented the town of Greece, New York, in a U.S. Supreme Court case that upheld prayer at council meetings. ADC also represents Christian schools Dordt College and Cornerstone University, temporarily exempt from Obamacare’s abortion pill mandate. (The mandate exempts churches, but other Christian organizations contend they also should be exempt on religious grounds.)

Another ADC client, Louisiana College, is the latest victor in the fight for religious freedom. A federal court ruled that the mandate to pay for pills that might induce abortions was overly burdensome to the Christian school’s religious freedom.

“The Sixth Commandment says thou shall not murder,” Louisiana College President Joe Aguillard reportedly said. “The government is imposing their religion of murder on us and I think it’s time for the people of our country to wake up and stand together.”

What’s really interesting is that the judge mentioned the s-word.

“LC believes and teaches that human life begins when an egg becomes fertilized, and that abortion, or methods that harm a fertilized human embryo, ends human life and is a sin. In addition, LC believes that facilitating transgressions of God’s law concerning the dignity of human life is equally immoral and sinful, and that sin disrupts its relationship with God.”

(Years ago, a former co-worker of mine, an atheist, declared that “sin” is a “Western concept.”)

What kind of mind comes up with a “right of privacy” to kill an unborn human being for reasons that mostly have to do with convenience and merely because he’s not viable? How can the federal government, or any individual, ask a religious person to pay for killing unborn babies? Do liberals really not understand that the legal slaughter is terrible enough? Now we have to come out of pocket to help “poor” women kill their own children?

Photo credit: Kristina Hernandez (Creative Commons) – All Rights Reserved

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