Majority of Americans Oppose Males Playing on Female Sports Teams

A new Gallup poll shows that 69 percent of Americans believe that athletes should play against athletes of their own sex, regardless of whether they’re pretending to be the opposite sex — up from 62 percent in 2021.

The shift toward greater public opposition to transgender athletes competing on the basis of their current gender identity has occurred at the same time that more U.S. adults say they know a transgender person. Thirty-nine percent of Americans, up from 31% in 2021, say someone they know personally has told them they are transgender.

According to Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey, conducted from May 1-24, 55 percent of those polled also consider “changing one’s gender” to be morally wrong.

“Those results are slightly less accepting than in 2021, when Gallup last asked the question — 51% thought changing one’s gender was morally wrong, and 46% morally acceptable.”

The country has gone from homosexuals claiming that their “marriages” wouldn’t affect anyone else to demanding that everyone else not only accept but endorse and honor their lifestyle and sexual fantasies of being the opposite sex — with the complicity of our government.

One part of the survey results are worth emphasizing: while people who know an individual pretending to be the opposite sex are still more accepting than those who don’t, “the relationship has weakened in the past two years.”

One reason could be that the more people see or hear about larger, stronger, quicker men injuring obviously smaller, weaker, and slower women, the more they disapprove of men overpowering and injuring women.

It appears that Americans view transgender sports participation more through a lens of competitive fairness than transgender civil rights. Even Democrats, who mostly support LGBTQ+ rights and affirm the morality of gender change, are divided on the issue of whether transgender athletes should be allowed to participate on teams that match their gender identity rather than birth gender.

The issue was never about so-called civil rights. One American has as much protection under the law as any other. The “transgenderism” trend is an in-your-face campaign to offend and demoralize those who oppose it and to groom children into accepting it.

Do you support fairness in sports for women? Join us in this fight and help spread the word!

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