Mesa Public Schools Keeps ‘Transgender’ Secrets from Parents — Against State Law

Parents teach (or should teach) their children not to keep secrets. To safeguard against danger from strangers or adults in their lives, children need to know that they can tell their parents anything. If an adult touches them in a way that feels inappropriate, they know they can turn to their parents for protection.

Groomers count on children keeping secrets.

At least one responsible adult in Mesa Public Schools (MPS) is determined to put a stop to it.

America First Freedom (AFL) filed a lawsuit (PDF) on behalf of Rachel Walden. A member of the MPS government board, Walden is suing the governing board, MPS, and the superintendent, Andi Fourlis, for “encouraging and assisting students to identify as members of the opposite sex without notifying parents.”

The policy violates the  Arizona’s Parents’ Bill of Rights and other state laws.

According to AFL, MPS has had a policy helping students socially “transition” since 2015. This policy used to be “explicit and in writing,” but after a backlash from concerned parents, the school district changed the policy. From AFL:

…MPS revised its written documents to obfuscate the policy. The new policy pays lip service to the legal requirement for parental notification, but it still allows school employees to talk to students about their sexual identity without parents’ knowledge. And it also coaches students how to make sure their parents never find out they’ve been talking to school employees about their sexual identity.

Walden alleges that MPS adopted an explicit policy of non-notification.

All parents with children in MPS should be outraged, because it gets worse: boys have full access to girls’ locker rooms and showers.

Gene Hamilton, AFL’s Vice President and General Counsel, said MPS is obligated “to notify parents if their child attempts to identify as a different sex. The people of Mesa are rightly outraged by these radical policies and we will fight for the right of every parent to direct the upbringing of their children.”

Photo credit: By Bill Walsh, CC BY-SA 2.0, link

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