Leftists Spend, Spend, Spend and Wonder Why We’re Hitting the National Debt Limit

Star Parker wrote about the debt limit in a recent column, specifically about how nothing is going to get fixed.

The country has hit its debt ceiling limit of $31.4 trillion.

“There are two ways that federal spending can be financed,” Star wrote. “Taxes or debt. Politicians don’t like taxation because they have to be honest with citizens that they are taking their money. Borrowing achieves the same end without asking.

“The last thing Congress did before shutting down in the last session was pass another $1.7 trillion in spending. There were no taxes to pay for this. It gets layered onto the huge debt, which is on you and on me. The last thing Congress did before shutting down in the last session was pass another $1.7 trillion in spending. There were no taxes to pay for this. It gets layered onto the huge debt, which is on you and on me.”

Star recently appeared on Straight Arrow News to expand on these issues. She noted how discussions about the debt limit don’t happen unless Republicans are in charge.

Leftists just spend, spend, and spend. They’re so concerned about spending money, Star said, but remain silent on how we should fix the problem. Washington spends too much money for which they can’t account. An item that should be on the table to discuss: why are we hitting the limit?

“The silence and irresponsibility of the left in this regard are just increasingly ridiculous,” Star said. “They just spend, spend, spend. What’s more, it strays beyond the reality of what hard-working Americans face in their own lives. In our own lives, we can’t just kick the can down the road on our personal debt. Well, we shouldn’t. We shouldn’t just keep spending and raising the limit on our credit cards once they’re all maxed out. At some point, no, you have to pay down. But too many Americans don’t believe that anymore.”

Watch the full segment here.

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One comment

  1. So appreciative of Ms Parker calling out our cowardly fiscally irresponsible “wealthy – 6 figure paid” politicians, mostly demoncRAT$! With the liberal leftist fascist lamestream media’s slanted cover, these self grandized n self serving foke hide behind fear mongering via the global warming hoax, slandering by utilizing phobias n race bait rhetoric and blaming Republicans wout fact evidence or stats. Thank Yahweh for ladies like Star!