No Wonder Mainstream Media Tried to Ignore Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s Trial

Mainstream media didn’t want to cover the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the “late-term” abortionist in Philadelphia who murdered babies born alive after he failed to do so in the womb.

But they couldn’t ignore it forever.

Is Hollywood ignoring the movie?

The movie trailer of Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer depicts the Philadelphia police department executing a search warrant on Gosnell’s house of horrors abortion clinic. For years Gosnell ran a dirty facility with blood and body parts in the open, and unlicensed employees administered anesthetics. Some of the medication was expired and the equipment outdated and dirty. Law enforcement found a flea-infested cat wandering around and cat feces on the stairs.

Despite complaints and citations against the clinic over the years, the state hadn’t inspected it for 17 years.

The trailer shows empty seats reserved for the press in the courtroom.

An actress in the movie, Tess Watley, shared her story of how she almost killer her baby until an abortion clinic nurse allowed her to hear the baby’s heartbeat. She changed her mind about the abortion.

The movie will be released on October 12.

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