Oklahoma Court Upholds State Ban on the Kind of Abortions Kermit Gosnell Used to Do

The Oklahoma legislature passed a bill to ban abortionists from tearing unborn babies limb from limb during abortions in the second trimester. The abortionist kills babies with poison first, then removes them in pieces because they’re too big to vacuum from the womb.

Kermit Gosnell, serving life in prison for murdering unborn babies born alive after botched abortions and killing a woman who died during an abortion, poisoned babies and removed them from the womb in the same way.

The governor signed the Oklahoma Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act into law in 2015. Abortion advocates sued the state to stop the law’s enforcement. A state court ruled on the matter last week — and upheld the law. From Christian Headline News:

Truong upheld a 2015 law that bans dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion, a procedure that involves the dilation of the cervix and the removal of the unborn baby by literally pulling it apart, limb by limb – pulling out an arm, a leg, the head, and so forth. Pro-life groups refer to the procedure as “dismemberment abortion.”

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter called Truong’s decision “a major victory for basic human decency in Oklahoma.”

“Dismemberment abortions are barbaric, brutal and subject unborn children to more cruelty than we allow for death row inmates,” Hunter said. “It is unconscionable to think that we would allow this practice to continue. Judge Truong is to be commended for declaring this legislation constitutional.”

Oklahoma has pro-life laws on the books that could save unborn babies. For example, a parent must be notified and give consent before an abortionist kills a minor’s unborn baby. Women must receive state-directed counseling and wait 24 hours before an abortion except in case of a medical emergency.

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