Online Abortion Class and the Government Mandate

pro-abortion rallyAre you an aspiring doctor who seeks “classroom” instruction on “abortion care” and can’t afford to pay for the class? You’re in luck. WORLD reports that the University of California at San Francisco is offering such a course for free online:

The free, six week class, titled “Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications,” addresses abortion-related topics ranging from first trimester abortion care to “obstacles” to abortion access. Nearly 3,000 people have signed up, according to The Daily Beast. Through the class, Jody Steinauer, assistant professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, aims to reduce what she calls a gap between abortion education and its practice. The class begins Oct. 13.

Abortion is common around the world, Steinauer says in the course description, and “safe abortions” have a lower mortality rate than childbirth, a claim pro-life advocates dispute. “Despite its universality, abortion remains controversial and inaccessible for many women,” she writes. The lack of abortion education in medical courses as well as legal restrictions have encouraged inaccessibility, she claims.

The oath of doing no harm apparently doesn’t apply to the voiceless and vulnerable unborn. American women undergo convenience abortions as if the growing life really were a “blob of tissue” rather than a human being with an immortal soul.

WORLD included some interesting statistics in the article. Female doctors are more likely to kill unborn babies, and most OB/GYNs who saw women who wanted abortions, according to a 2011 study, didn’t perform them. As expected, doctors in the South and Midwest are less likely to do abortions than those in the North and urban areas.

“Any OBGYN knows how to empty a uterus at any stage,” Donna Harrison, the executive director of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told WORLD. “It’s just that most OBGYNs recognize that there are two patients.”

In related California news, the government notified insurers this summer that they must offer abortion coverage, which means that faith-based companies also must offer it. They receive no religious exemption. Seven churches are fighting back with a federal complaint.

Michelle Rouillard of the Department of Managed Health Care said killing unborn babies “is a basic health care service. All health plans must treat maternity services and legal abortion neutrally.”

Abortion certainly isn’t health care for the baby, is it?

The Alliance Defending Freedom and the Life Legal Defense Foundation are on the case.

Photo credit: Free Verse Photography (Creative) – Some Rights Reserved

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