Overcoming Fear with Truth: Watch Cure America Episode 21 with Star Parker

There are substantial numbers on the left who like to throw around the word “democracy” but do not at all believe in freedom. They believe in power, force and intimidation.

In this new episode of Cure America with Star Parker, I lead a panel of experts to discuss how America became an uncomfortable place. We explain why we have reason to worry that America is changed forever — that fear, rage and violence have overpowered freedom and democracy.

But we also talk about how hope is not lost. That’s because truth is always stronger than fear. And we should keep fighting for the truth, no matter what happens. I think we should speak it. And display it.

Please watch and share this important episode, Overcoming Fear with Truth, with members of your church and everyone in your social media.

Guests include William Allen, Ph.D., Richard Manning, and Jonathan Alexandre with Liberty Counsel.

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One comment

  1. I could not find the video on Overcoming Fear with Truth