Photos From CURE’s Annual National Policy Summit

During our two-day Annual Policy Summit last week, we launched the “State of Black America” project, a year-long research and policy development initiative that we will publish in summer 2021.

We hosted the Summit in Washington, DC for leaders in our Clergy Council. Clergy from the Clergy Network joined in virtually, as we adapted to COVID-19.

Below are photos of pastors listening to speeches from officials such as US Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Board Members such as Pastor Marc Little and T.W. Shannon, and an amazing speech by former NFL player Jack Brewer.

Because of the financial support from freedom-lovers like you at this critical time in our nation, our pastors took the messages they heard during two intensive days across the country.

And you will soon find videos of the speeches on our website, so you, too, can share the message on your social media pages and in your church.

Over the two-day conference, pastors were able to meet with our staff and leadership.

Below, you’ll see me with some of our pastors taking a photo with former NFL player Jack Brewer after his inspiring speech.

Jack Brewer benefited from being in a room full of men of God who laid hands on him after his speech.

Below, Dr. William Allen describes the “Rules of Civility.” In his research, Dr. Allen discovered a handwriting exercise by 11-year-old George Washington and reproduced it in a pamphlet for CURE. Washington learned how to live a virtuous life while practicing penmanship. CURE offers the pamphlet to its Clergy Network and sends them on request to friends of CURE for a nominal fee.

We gave our pastors a copy of “Rules of Civility.”

As you can imagine, we did a LOT of praying for our country and for the pastors who are about to head back to their communities with new knowledge and encouragement to fight for freedom.

We made sure to follow guidelines from the CDC about social distancing, especially because we hosted US Surgeon General Jerome Adams.


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