CURE’s New Report Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Tactics to Especially Target Black Americans

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education’s (CURE) founder and president, Star Parker, was joined by pro-lifers Angela Minter of Sisters for Life; Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation; Necho Carroll of CURE; Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List; Jonathan Alexandre of Liberty Counsel Action; and Pastor Nathaniel Thomas to talk about how the abortion industry targets black Americans.

Star unveiled a new report on abortion called “The Impact of Abortion on the Black Community.”

Everyone knows by now that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger supported eugenics. Planned Parenthood tried to distance itself from its founder, but the abortion giant is still killing unborn babies. The organization even took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to push abortion pills by mail. Watch the press conference to hear what these passionate pro-lifers had to say.

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