Post-Roe — A New Opportunity of Revival and Restoration of SURVIVAL

Star Parker and a few of her pro-life friends held a press conference earlier today to push back against the Biden administration’s attempt to once again nationalize the scourge of abortion — after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that there is NO right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution. The 6-3 decision overturned “law of the land” Roe v. Wade and sent the issue to the states.

“We’re here to celebrate the Supreme Court decision,” Star said. The court has “unleashed a new opportunity of revival and restoration of survival in our nation’s poorest communities.”

Joining Star at the press conference: Jonathan Alexandre, Liberty Counsel Action; Ryan Bomberger, the Radiance Foundation; Angela Minter, Sisters for Life; and Rev. Dean Nelson, Human Coalition.

Star said that for 50 years, the black community has been preyed upon through Roe. The decision left black Americans among a series of “firsts.” First in abortion. First in not providing marriage for our children. First in high school dropout rates. First in welfare dependency. First in committing homicide. First in prison.

Remember the house of horrors of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who’s serving a life sentence for killing a woman during an abortion and murdering three infants? No outrage from the Congressional Black Caucus. No national resolution to stop such atrocities in abortion clinics. Star gets graphic about what Gosnell did to the unborn.

Watch these passionate pro-lifers, and please share the video far and wide.

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