Power, Poverty, & Politics Podcast — The Afghanistan Withdrawal and the Need for a National Soul Searching

In this episode of Star Parker’s Power, Poverty, & Politics podcast, she asks: Is it time for a national soul searching after the Afghanistan debacle?

“After the attack on our nation on September 11, 2001, President Bush took to the airwaves to address the American people,” Star said. “Speaking to a nation in shock, he cast what had occurred in the framework of good and evil. Here we are, 20 years later, in shock. And I’m wondering about this framework of good and evil.”

President George W. Bush said on September 11 that America saw evil. He offered solace, reading Psalm 23. Evangelical pastors said we also needed to see the evil inside ourselves. We know what evil goes on in this country. Has God lifted His protection from us?

Twenty years later, we’ve spent more than $2 trillion on our operations in Afghanistan and lost some 2400 Americans. The Taliban is back in power. Maybe it’s time for some soul searching, as we’re watching the unraveling of all our efforts.

Will there be clarity, peace, prosperity, and freedom abroad? Star discusses what we must do here first to bring about those things.

Listen to the episode here or on Spotify, Apple, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, or Stitcher to find out more.

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