Power, Poverty, & Politics Podcast: The Political Center is Gone

President Joe Biden’s and Vice President Kamala Harris’s approval ratings are low.

Conservative voters in Virginia, New Jersey, and at school board meetings across the country have told Democrats how they feel. In this week’s episode Star Parker’s Power, Poverty, & Politics podcast, she said “it’s not rocket science that Joe Biden and his party have lost touch with voters who elected them. Large percentages of these Democrats do not want and did not vote for AOC and the progressive squad’s agenda.”

These voters are not happy with Biden’s capitulation to these far leftists. But still, the country is moving toward that direction. Voters are moving away from the middle.

What does all of this mean for the future? Listen to the episode here or on Spotify, Apple, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, or Stitcher to find out more.

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