Pro-Lifers Will March to Demand Planned Parenthood Stop Fetal Harvesting

On Saturday, October 10, pro-lifers around the country will protest against the abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood, funded by the U.S. taxpayer.

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a series of secretly recorded videos of Planned Parenthood and StemExpress employees casually discussing the sale of aborted-baby body parts and picking through those parts. The videos exposed what most Americans had no idea was taking place, and the U.S. Congress still won’t defund it.

“Congress held another hearing on the nation’s largest abortion chain yesterday, and the effort to revoke their massive government subsidy is continuing as well,” the Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler told Life News. “Meanwhile, a federal judge in San Francisco just ruled that Congress can have access to ALL of the Center for Medical Progress videos — even those the abortion industry has sued to keep out of the public eye.”

CMP’s David Daleiden will speak at a protest in southern California. “I look forward to the opportunity to speak at my local Planned Parenthood Mega Center, which is one of the high-volume surgical abortion facilities across the country where they have been harvesting and selling aborted baby parts over the past several years. I look forward to the opportunity to be able to talk about that kind of troubling activity—that illegal, felonious activity of Planned Parenthood right here within my own community.”

Despite Congress’s refusal to block our tax dollars from going to these places of death and harvesting, several states have done the right thing. North Carolina recently blocked agencies from contracting pregnancy prevention services with facilities that kill the unborn and barred the sale of aborted-baby body parts.

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