Progressives Are Unfit to Protect Our Freedom

BlackFamily_2Progressives fan the flames of racial tension in election years because they gain political power. It’s why millions upon millions of dollars are funneled through George Soros’ organization to radical leftist black groups who keep that flame burning and burning bright!

When Abraham Lincoln sent our nation to war, his goal was to protect the freedom of every American because he said a nation cannot survive if it lives half free.

According to the US Census, between 1890 and 1950, blacks had higher marriage rates than whites. The black family flourished when we were free! Today, though, blacks have an out-of-wedlock birthrate of 73 percent! With broken families come poverty, dependency, crime and death.

Make no mistake, progressives know what Lincoln knew: our nation will not survive if it lives half free.

Take a stand with me if you believe progressives are unfit to protect our freedom when their true goal is to strip it from us and rule over us. Their deadly results do not lie.

That’s why, by September 23, black pastors will stand with me against Godless Marxism in Washington, DC for a three-day policy summit. These brave and influential men will make the trek to our nation’s capital to raise our voices for a new national movement for freedom! With the financial support from people like you, we WILL build the alternative to Black Lives Matter!

We cannot afford another day to go by where progressives exploit race to obtain power. Build a new movement for freedom — a movement that recognizes our rights come from God, not the government.

StarParkerBCNStar Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at

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  1. Black community news is one of my go to sources of truth– love it as well as all contributors.

  2. Thanks so much, Patricia!