What This Radical Pro-LGBT Group Has Just Done Could Provide A Hit List For Anti-Christian Extremists

August, 2012 — a gunman spouting hatred for social conservatism walks into the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, D.C. and shoots a security guard before being wrestled to the floor. It was determined that the would-be killer was incensed by the FRC’s inclusion on a “target” list issued by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center.

Now, another list emerges — issued by a different “tolerance”-demanding organization that promotes LGBT rights — an organization that specifically identifies a number of prominent Christian leaders and social conservatives as dangerous, hateful “radical extremists” who “spew venomous rhetoric” and need to be stopped.

Via newsbusters.org:

The Sept. 15 report entitled “Exposed: The Export of Hate” by the Human Rights Campaign, a gay “civil rights organization” has highlighted several members of “the radical right” they want to demonize as dangerous criminals.

On its website, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the organization behind this latest target list — claims it’s “working for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equal rights.” But while promoting the LGBT agenda, nowhere on the site does the HRC support protecting the free speech rights of those who hold differing opinions. Instead, the HRC labels those opposing views as “hate.”

Among those identified as intolerant, rightwing extremists who promote such “hate” are Western Journalism contributor Matt Barber and a well known traditional marriage advocate with whom Barber is associated — the Dean of Liberty University Law School and the head of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver. The short video posted above focuses on Staver and is an example of how the Human Rights Campaign is targeting Christian conservatives.

Among those expressing strong support for the HRC approach to “naming and shaming” those with whom it disagrees are Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Mark Udall (D-CO); actors Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron and Sally Field; singers Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez; and CNN news anchor Don Lemon.

The newsbusters.org post on the new HRC campaign shares disturbing, but unfortunately predictable, news about the potential for violence that the issuance of such a target list can provoke.

Among those on the list were Independent candidate for governor of Massachusetts, Pastor Scott Lively….

Lively has even reported that since the list was published, he has received two death threats. This isn’t the first time either. Not only himself, but Matt Barber, Mat Staver and several others were listed in a threatening message Lively received.

Before he received the death threats, Lively responded to the report, calling for a retraction, since the report could incite violent behavior against himself and those listed. HRC’s response to Lively’s concern? Six paragraphs bashing him while not even mentioning the possibility of violence. In their eyes, he deserves it.

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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