Rooting Out Antisemitism in American Universities — Watch CURE America with Star Parker

This week on CURE America with Star Parker, we explore critical issues that affect our country and the world, and how the decisions made in Washington, D.C., impact it all.

We discuss the recent legislative activities, including the National Security Act of 2024 bill, which the House and Senate passed and the president signed, that includes funding for Israel and Ukraine. The new law provides $95.3 billion of military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and includes the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act, restricting the use of TikTok.

In our discussion with Stephen Moore, founder of the Ukraine Freedom Project, we explore the situation in Ukraine and the prosecution taking place there by the Russian Orthodox Army, which is murdering Christians in Ukraine.

In addition to our insightful discussions, we included a clip of Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the 4th District of Louisiana, and with Lawler, the U.S. representative for New York’s 17th congressional district, speaking at a press conference in the steps of Columbia University. They bring to light how that institution has looked away — if not promoted — antisemitism on campus.

Marty Dannenfelser, the vice president for Government Relations at CURE, provides his expert analysis on the political landscape. Jonathan Alexandre, senior counsel at Liberty Counsel Action, offers his legal perspective on the issues discussed. Lastly, Michael Catell, the vice president of Development at CURE, shares his thoughts on a compelling story from his days at his university.

Join us on CURE America as we navigate these complex issues together with our esteemed guests. Stay tuned!

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