Jefferson County Public Schools Assigned a Fifth Grade Girl to Share a Bed with a BOY on a School Trip

The Daily Signal reported that a school in the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) in Colorado assigned an 11-year-old girl in fifth grade to share a bed with a boy dressed like a girl on an overnight school trip.

The parents said the school board told them boys and girls would be on different floors, and neither could visit each other’s floor.

The girl was assigned to a room with two other girls and the boy. He informed the girl that they’d be sharing a bed. The poor girl snuck into the bathroom and called her mother, who was also on the trip. She got her daughter assigned to a different room.

Alliance Defending Freedom (AFL) represents the girl’s parents, Joe and Serena Wailes. They sent a demand letter to the school board and the superintendent to clarify “whether JCPS will continue this practice of intentionally withholding information about rooming accommodations from parents like the Waileses, who object to their children rooming with a student of the opposite sex, regardless of the other student’s gender identity.”

The father told the Daily Signal that he felt “a bit helpless,” as he was 2,000 miles away. “My daughter is scared in a bathroom trying to get herself out of a situation. It was a frustrating experience, and I just really felt like it was not a situation my daughter should be put in.”

The parents also want the ability to opt out of girls sharing rooms or beds with boys.

The “rights” of one boy dressed like a girl trump the privacy, safety, and sense of modesty of all the girls.

All parents, even the ones in “safe” schools, should be outraged about this.

Protect our children! Join us in this fight and help spread the word.

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  1. Unfortunately bc of caving to, cowardice bu “leaders”, and a CHRISTless morality- it’s only going to get worse.
    We need a FLOOD of BILLION DOLLAR Lawsuits that hold both judge and politicians accountable for this defrauding charade of wickedness.

  2. The boy’s parents should be put in a Mental Idiots Jail! This would Never happen with proper parenting!