National School Choice Week — Embracing Educational Freedom

Concerned parents with kids stuck in failing government schools, including schools that indoctrinate children in homosexuality and America-hating, want school choice.

This week is National School Choice Week. Anyone who cares that children from families in distressed zip codes are basically trapped can help raise awareness. We must raise awareness every week.

Every child deserves an opportunity to attend a school that will help that child develop to his or her fullest potential. Parents pay taxes for schools. That will never change, so parents should be able to choose. Leftists believe in the right to choose to kill unborn human beings but not for parents to use their tax dollars to select the best for their children.

Star Parker is an advocate of educational freedom. The founder and CEO of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) has written and spoken about school choice for most of her career. She believes that educational freedom plays a role in fixing our broken culture.

“What has driven the collapse of our culture?” she wrote in a column. “One major culprit is misguided court decisions that pulled prayer and religion out of our public schools.”

Star added that giving parents control of their child’s “education would be a major step in combatting the widespread collapse in values that has so badly damaged our nation.”

Corey DeAngelis, a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children, is also a “school choice evangelist.”

“Education funding is supposed to be about educating children, not for propping up and protecting a particular institution,” he said on an episode of CURE America with Star Parker.

DeAngelis is the author of The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.

Three experts on education spoke on a school choice panel at a CURE policy summit: Victoria Cobb of the Family Foundation of Virginia, Corey DeAngelis, and Leslie Hiner of EdChoice. You can read the post and watch the video here.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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