Sheriff David Clarke: A ‘Brilliant’ Trump Strategy Hillary and the Democrats Never Saw Coming

Thirteen people in Chicago were shot and killed during the Labor Day weekend. Sixty-five survived their gunshot wounds. The week before the holiday, the cousin of Chicago Bulls player Dwayne Wade was shot and killed.

Some accused Donald Trump of exploiting the cousin’s shooting. Sheriff David Clarke appeared on Fox News to weigh in on the criticism. He said the only reason Trump is taking heat from the left for his comments “is because he’s putting the focus and the spotlight where it should be, these hellholes called the American ghetto here in the United States.”

With all the carnage taking place in Chicago and across the country, the sheriff said, we’ve heard nothing from President Barack Obama, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Governor Bruce Rauner, or Hillary Clinton. Over 2,700 people have been shot in Chicago this year. Hundreds have died.

Sheriff Clarke calls Trump’s focus on inner-city violence a “brilliant” move that the Clinton campaign never saw coming. We’re now talking about what’s going on in these cities.

“We have to do something about this,” the sheriff said. “We have to improve the quality of life for black people. I don’t care how uneducated and impoverished they are.”

Watch the brief clip to hear Sheriff Clarke’s suggestions on what Trump can do about it if he’s elected.

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  1. I think Sheriff David Clarke should run for public office. He speaks the truth, he is not afraid to say it. The liberal pussies can learn something from him.

    • He already has. Sheriff of a county is elected by county residents. And yes, The County Sheriff is America’s Last Hope. Read the book with same title and vote for Sheriff’s like David Clarke!