Something to Celebrate

All Americans have something historical to celebrate this week. However, ignorance prevents some of us from applauding the election of Tim Scott and Mia Love last Tuesday. Scott is the first black elected to the United States Senate from South Carolina since Reconstruction (1865), and Love is the first black Republican woman ever elected to the House of Representatives.

Where’s the parade? Where are the congratulations from the Congressional Black Caucus? Where’s the NAACP? This should be front page in every major newspaper in America, but it is not because they are both Republicans. These elections are as historic as the election of President Barack Obama. Unfortunately, the country has been robbed of the celebration by liberal media bias.

Just as liberal blacks are frequently unable to put their values over their party affiliation, neither can they cross the party aisle and choose ethnic pride to celebrate this victory. This is a victory of character, victory over our country’s racial history, and the product of hard work. This is monumental stuff. Sadly, some Americans have been brainwashed. To black liberals and many non-blacks, “Republican” is synonymous with racism. If you’re a black Republican, you must be an “Uncle Tom.” Ignorant? Many black liberals believe that all blacks must think alike politically. Insanity?

In the face of these historic accomplishments by blacks, the NAACP issued a press release highlighting its plan to amend the Voting Rights Act so that everyone may participate in the process. They couldn’t even bring themselves to comment on the historic wins, which certainly represent the “advancement of colored people.” Instead, they focus on the new Boogey Man-Voter ID laws to make themselves relevant (a red herring that will be the subject of another post.) In their statement, they claimed they are a nonpartisan organization. Their hubris to make such a statement with a straight face is astonishing. Is there one Republican or conservative on its Board of Directors?

While the NAACP should change its name as they bring shame to their former self, they cannot keep me and my fellow Americans from applauding Mia Love, Tim Scott, and the voters of Utah and South Carolina for making history.

Tim Scott, 49, was first appointed to the U.S. Senate by South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to replace leaving Senator Jim DeMint in 2013. This election makes him the first black elected Republican to statewide office in South Carolina and the first black elected to the United State Senate since Reconstruction. Hiram Rhodes Revels preceded Scott as the first black elected to the United States Senate (and Congress overall during Reconstruction) who served from 1870 – 1871 from Mississippi. Ludmya Bourdeau “Mia” Love, 39, the former mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, will be the first Haitian American and first black female Republican ever elected to Congress when sworn in. These achievements — and these two people — are something to celebrate. Join me in American pride and share this so others may join us in this celebration.

Marc Little is the author of The Prodigal Republican: Faith and Politics. His web site is The Prodigal Republican.

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  1. I am so very proud of Sen T.Scott and Rep. M. Love.

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