Star Parker Believes Planned Parenthood Hasn’t Changed Its Eugenics Mission

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, testified at a congressional subcommittee hearing last week in support of the Heartbeat Protection Act, which would ban abortions if the abortionist detects the unborn baby’s heartbeat.

Leftist abortion advocate Rep. Steve Cohen didn’t like Star saying that it was disingenuous of him to conflate helping low-income communities through Medicaid, for example, with abortion, as if killing the communities’ babies is a kind of aid.

Rep. Cohen accused her of showing “ignorance” or “absolute inability to deal with Congress people the way they should.” He had more to say to her after that hearing.

Star told that the “tactics of the left have long been to bait and switch – anytime you address any urban issue, they switch to the welfare state. He wanted to do that and I didn’t let him, therefore, he became very angry. The modus operandi of the left is two-fold: secularism and big government. In order for those strategies to work – for statism or communism or socialism, whatever you want to call it in modern day – you have to keep the people very ignorant and very dependent.”

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger supported eugenics, which Star thinks the organization still practices.

“I believe, strongly, that Planned Parenthood has not changed its mission,” she told “Most organizations don’t change their original mission, they just find different ways to market their mission and different tactics to implement their mission. The mission statement of Planned Parenthood hasn’t changed – it’s exactly in their name – Parenthood Planned: they believe in controlling birth. They particularly believe in controlling the birth of those that they deem less responsible, less able and they have not changed that. They just changed the faces of their leadership and some of their methods of disseminating the information, nothing else has changed.”

Photo credit: Life News – Steven Ertelt

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  1. Thank you, Ms Parker for having the spine to call out the Left — in this case, Rep. Cohen — for their smokescreen of lies and half-truths. They excel in throwing out word salads to disguise their real intentions — always to divide, disarm, and control others. When they get angry, you know you’ve hit home.