Star Parker in Selma

sp-selmaStar Parker, Dr. Alveda King, black pastors, and others traveled to Selma, Alabama, this past weekend to march against abortion. They crossed the iconic Edmund Pettus Bridge, famous for the 1960s civil rights era’s March on Selma.

The Selma Times-Journal covered the event. An excerpt:

Leaders of The Selma Project said they have evidence that the Central Alabama Women’s Clinic, which is operated by Dr. Samuel Lett, performs more than nine abortions each month, which would require it to fall under state regulations as an abortion clinic.

An Alabama Department of Public Health investigation into the clinic failed to find evidence of wrongdoing, but protesters are demanding a more thorough look.

“We don’t believe the Alabama Department of Public Health actually did an investigation,” said Catherine Davis, founding core member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition and president of The Restoration Project. “In my mind, if they had simply sat in front of his clinic when the complaint was first filed they could’ve seen for their own eyes women going in pregnant and coming out not.”

Dr. King said all lives matter to God, including the black women who might be at risk in unlicensed abortion mills and the babies marked for death.

On Thursday, June 25, CURE clergy will be in the nation’s capital to voice their opposition to President Barack Obama’s policies. Star urges black pastors “to rise up against the black, liberal elite who will use this opportunity to manipulate fear, anger and raw emotion to hold onto their grip of the black community.”

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  1. I stand with all against the murder of innocents.
    I really, really do wish that black women in this nation knew that the whole idea behind planned parenthood was to wipe out the black race. It is very sad to think that these women feel that they have no choice in the matter but to participate in killing off a people.

  2. Stop killing unborn babies. The time to decide about children is at conception. God will avenge the innocent.