Star Parker: Why the Equality Act of 2019 Will Create Inequality

I just got word that liberals in the House of Representatives will vote on the so-called Equality Act of 2019 early this week. You may have read my thoughts about it in my nationally syndicated weekly column to learn how dangerous this legislation is for families and freedom.

Too many conservatives have still not heard about this legislation and we need to get the word out, right now.

Watch and share this video we produced so we can reach everyone with the truth about this legislation.

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Archive: Black History Month — The Lost Lesson of Faith and Freedom

Originally published in February 2022. Why do we have Black History Month? This week on …

One comment

  1. Morality in America is being redefined. The progressive in the democrat socialist party are seeking to remove the influence of our Judeo-Christian values from the public square. Thank you BCN for helping to sound the alarm.