Stephen Broden: Black Women Challenge Hollywood

In response to mounting opposition from black Hollywood celebrities and politicians, black activists are crying out. Opposition to a Georgia “Heartbeat Bill” that will save the lives of countless babies and their mothers is being challenged. Black prolife activists urge opponents across the spectrum of Hollywood, politics and every walk of life to “meet in the public square for a come to Jesus moment. We are not enemies. We have a common cause, to live, to grow and prosper. There has to be a better way. Women and children are being led to the slaughter.”

The women are part of a larger group of African American leaders, the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, who see abortion as a cruel detriment to the growth of their communities.

“This Holy Week is the perfect time to pray for mothers and their unborn children. Thank God that Mary did not abort Jesus; even though her pregnancy was inconvenient in the eyes of many. Here in the 21st century, the infanticide and risks to a mother’s health are warning signals that abortion is never a healthy option for women. Black women suffer the highest risk of loss by abortion,” said Evangelist Alveda King.

“Gabrielle Union, Tracee Elliss Ross and Uzo Aduba are Planned Parenthood’s Ministers of Propaganda paid to ensure Georgia’s black abortion rate remains at 62% or higher. Their absence from this state is welcomed since their presence and propaganda aids Planned Parenthood’s Negro Project’s genocide,” said Catherine Davis.

“So many children are denied their most basic human right – the right to life, with black babies topping the abortion list. Their civil rights trampled, their precious little bodies discarded like dung. What about the dream Dr. King so courageously worked for, marched for and ultimately died for? Sadly, when he died much of the ‘dream’ died with him but that’s not okay. We must revitalize the dream — for the very lives of all God’s children,” added Day Gardner.

“For decades, Planned Parenthood’s slick advertising has promoted the genocide against communities of color. They target our children for death, and use these misguided black entertainers to convince women to hate their children and kill them.” Denise Walker continued, “These women are not leaders – they are executioners. Shame on them for hating Black, Latina and Asian children!”

“As a child conceived in rape, it bothers me that it’s acceptable to sacrifice children like me for the sins of their fathers. Abortion is the #1 cause of death in the Black Community. For these misguided Black American female entertainers to promote the destruction of their own race is unconscionable,” said Lori Hoye.

“The black African seed that survived the slave trade, the trans-Atlantic passage and 400 years of slavery, lynching, and Jim Crow has been surrendered to the abortionist. The black vote, hard won to alleviate suffering, has become an instrument of death for children worldwide as we elect politicians lacking knowledge and basic respect for human life. Under the leadership of Democratic President Bill Clinton these same politicians showed similar disrespect for the liberty of young blacks as they voted to enact federal and state crime laws, Georgia SB440 and SB441, supporting mass incarceration which promised to keep blacks locked up beyond the age of reproduction, supporting the racist eugenicist ‘plan for peaceful genocide.’ Jesus Christ substitutes Himself for the ‘least of these,’ none less than the unborn or the prisoner, to insure ‘justice for all!’ Black lives matter, but ‘the souls of black folks’ matter more! Let’s come together with the People’s Agenda and ponder the question: What constitutes human suffering and how can it be alleviated?” concluded Dr. Loretta Grier Cudjoe Smith.

“I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; I did not realize that they had plotted against me, saying, ‘Let us destroy the tree and its fruit; let us cut [them] off from the land of the living, that [their names be remembered no more.]” Jeremiah 11:19

Photo credit: By Thomas Wolf,, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

StephenBrodenStephen E. Broden is the senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship, founder of Protect Life and Marriage Texas, and member of the National Black Prolife Coalition.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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