Stephen Broden: God’s Judgment and COVID-19

God’s Judgment and COVID-19

Could COVID-19 be a judgment on the world for the wholesale murder of babies, human trafficking, the normalization of the homosexual lifestyle and same-sex marriage, and the redefining of morality to immorality?

There is a spiritual tenor to the effect this virus is having on the psyche of the world. Humankind is terrified, fearful, and frightened by the prospect of falling victim to this horrific virus.

Luke 21:11 says, “…and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terror…” Here the Greek word terror is phobetron, which means dreadful sight, terrible occurrence, fearful event. The English word phobia is derived from the Greek word phobetron. Phobia means an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Without question, these definitions describe what’s happening in the earth resulting from COVID-19.

The challenge of believers is to discern the times. We are to connect dots to determine what God is saying and what He is doing in and through events in human history. Pestilence is a part of the last-days scenario that affirms God’s prophetic prognostications. Notice in Luke 2:28, Jesus says, “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.”

Our generation has witnessed an extraordinary display of pestilence in our time: SARS, swine flu, ebola, avian flu, MERS, West Nile virus, and now coronavirus. “When these things begin…” There is indeed a spiritual connection with these viruses. Bible-believing Christians ought to reorient their priorities to fulfill their call to be His witness (Acts 1:8) and to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-19). It’s time out for unbiblical entertainment Christianity and materialistic “name it and claim it.”

Setting the Stage For The Beast

Covid-19 is changing our nation and our world. Those changes will forever affect our country and shift us into a paradigm that’s different from our everyday experiences. Those of us 60 and over will be reeling at the loss of our privacy and shocked at the ubiquitous application of our cell phone to do banking, shopping, politicking, and health care.

These changes are not evident to most because we’re distracted by the threat of the coronavirus. It is COVID-19 that is responsible for the changes coming our way.

Rahm Emanuel is well-known for saying, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” We’re facing a crisis of enormous scope and size. It is this type of emergency that will introduce policies and practices that heretofore were inconceivable to try and untenable by liberty-loving patriots and the general public.

The world is terrified and seemingly helpless with coronavirus, primarily because we don’t know if we or anyone in our orbit of friends are infected. We are vulnerable and living in an atmosphere of uncertainty.

The power elite will use our fears to insert into our society new policies and laws that will expand government and limit our liberties. Remember, 9-11 gave us the Patriot Act, which opened the door for the government to invade our privacy. Standby, here comes a whole slew of regulations designed to restrict and limit our God-given liberties defined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

While we’re trembling about COVID-19, here are a few areas where societal changes are in process. Many of these changes will be permanent:

  • The rise of telemedicine
  • A boon to virtual reality
  • Religious worship will look different
  • Congress will go virtual
  • Government will expand
  • Electronic voting goes mainstream
  • Voting by mail will become the norm

These are just a few of the changes coming our way. The elite will use these changes to drive our nation toward One-World Government. The coronavirus crisis is perfect to set up systems and practices for a strong man to come and dominate a global government forecasted in the Holy Bible. Follow the links below to see what the power elite and progressive liberals are saying about taking advantage of this crisis.

Photo credit: By Ronzoni at English WikipediaCC BY-SA 3.0Wikimedia Commons

Stephen E. Broden is the senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship, founder of Protect Life and Marriage Texas, and member of the National Black Prolife Coalition. He is the chairman of the Gone 2 Far Movement. 

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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  1. No what you are saying is systems that f the disease not the disease! The disease is America has turned their back on God! We don’t have time for God we treat him like a genie or a trinket. We need to read revelation 3:20 and do that each and everyone of us!!

  2. Gerald Goldberg

    YOU TUBE: 1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus
    •Premiered 18 hours ago
    Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP
    The first documentary movie on the origin of #CCPVirus, Tracking Down the Origin of the #WuhanCoronavirus.
    The CCP virus, which originated from #China, has rampaged through the world and caused more than 80,000 deaths, infecting at least 1.4 million.
    The true number of deaths and infections is unknown due to the underreporting of cases from mainland China.
    In the new documentary presented by The Epoch Times and NTD, Epoch Times investigative reporter Joshua Philipp takes an in-depth look at the progression of the pandemic from January to April and leads us on a journey of discovery to bring the truth behind the matter to light.
    From the Huanan Seafood Market in Hubei Province to the scandals at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, from long-running experiments on viruses to military takeovers, suspicious activities arise from every corner. Through vigorous investigations and the piecing together of hidden information, the documentary will unearth a more complete understanding of the situation surrounding the rise of this pandemic.
    Suspicions uncovered from official reports and publicly available information also sprouted more questions, leading to surprising findings and inquiries.

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