Stephen Broden: How the U.S. is Exporting the LGBTQ+P Agenda To Foreign Lands

Christian News Network recently reported that the Trump administration is attempting to force Zambia, an African nation, to legalize sodomy to receive financial aid. An excerpt:

The president of Zambia is continuing to resist the Trump administration’s campaign to decriminalize homosexual sex acts worldwide, as U.S. Ambassador Daniel Foote threatened to pull aid to the African nation after two men received lengthy prison terms. President Edgar Lungu defended the sentence by declaring that homosexuality is “unbiblical and unChristian,” and “we don’t want it.” Foote has now reportedly been recalled from the country as Lungu refuses to work with him, and a replacement is not expected anytime soon.

This administration’s policy that conditions financial support based on the receiving nation legalizing homosexuality is a carryover from the Obama administration. President Trump has enveloped that idea into his foreign policy, requiring Christian countries like Zambia to embrace sexual behavior that their faith and rule of law prohibits.

As a black evangelical, Bible-believing Christian, I find this policy appalling, a modeled example of quid pro quo. I am deeply disturbed that President Trump, who enjoys the support of evangelicals across this nation and openly supports the rule of law and our First Amendment right to religious liberty, is requiring President Lungu to legalize and support deviant sexual behavior. This is a significant contradiction and must not be allowed to continue as a policy.

I call upon all fair-minded Americans and evangelicals across these United States to encourage President Trump to change this policy and lift any restriction of financial aid to Zambia because of the country’s biblical stances against homosexual behavior.

Photo credit: Flickr

StephenBrodenStephen E. Broden is the senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship, founder of Protect Life and Marriage Texas, and member of the National Black Prolife Coalition. He is the chairman of the Gone 2 Far Movement. 

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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One comment

  1. It’s unbelievable that less than 5% of the US population is controlling American diplomacy.
    It’s no wonder that Muslim countries want to destroy the Republic.
    Those that cherish the life that Sodom and Gomorrah once had are free to enjoy their lifestyle but mus realize they are a true minority that noone wants to support