Support Chick-fil-A? You Might Want To Check Out These Companies, Too…

innoutCompanies like Chick-fil-A stand out from the crowd in today’s America due to the unabashed Christian values expressed by their owners. After voicing support for traditional marriage, the fast food chain not only withstood a boycott by leftist detractors; it became a symbol for the beliefs of millions of socially conservative Americans.

While this corporation might be among the most recognizable, it is far from the only U.S. chain with direct ties to firm biblical beliefs.

The Blaze recently put together a list of some companies Christians might consider supporting based on the faith-based values of their owners.

Thanks to its dedication to protecting life, taking an objection over ObamaCare’s mandate to provide abortive drugs all the way to the Supreme Court, arts and craft retail chain Hobby Lobby has an obvious place on the list.

Not only did the company provide a successful argument protecting the religious liberty of business owners before the nation’s highest court; The Blaze notes that Hobby Lobby is currently planning to open a Bible museum within the nation’s capital.

A couple of major corporations – clothing retailer Forever 21 and fast food chain In-N-Out – rely on a ubiquitous, albeit less obvious, method to express faith in Christ. Both refer to John 3:16, a Bible verse integral to the core tenets of Christianity, on containers.

Interstate Battery’s chairman is not shy about sharing his faith. As The Blaze points out, he not only declares his faith on the company’s website but also offers a prayer to help those who have decided to accept Christ as their personal savior.

Finally, The Blaze references Tyson Foods, a company whose chairman is both adamant about sharing his belief with others at every appropriate opportunity and donating significant portions of the company’s products to charities that feed the poor.

The companies listed in the article represent just a fraction of the American companies unafraid to be open about the importance of faith. Cosmetics giant Mary Kay, for example, was established by a woman with a reliance on her religious beliefs who credits God for her success.

Supermarket chain H.E.B. and footwear manufacturer Timberland are among the many other companies whose leaders cite the Bible as a guiding principle in their business decisions.

Photo Credit: Twitter/Zesty Bill Clinton

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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