The Illusion of False Hope: Watch Cure America Episode 22 with Star Parker

In this episode of Cure America with Star Parker, I lead a roundtable of experts to talk about how America has fundamentally changed, although very few have noticed it. Since the 2016 election, America had split in two, not just between red and blue, between Democrat and Republican, but between two polar-opposite philosophies and worldviews.

Please watch this dramatic episode, The Illusion of False Hope, where we identify the different philosophies that separate Americans, the factors that distorted the recent election, and what we can do to influence more citizens to understand the principles at stake.

Also, please share this episode with all your friends and church members on social media.

Guests include William Allen, Ph.D., Jonathan Alexandre with Liberty Counsel, and Pastor Yacoob Latiff.

Cure America with Star Parker – The Illusion of False Hope from CURE America on Vimeo.

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