The Results Of This Gallup Poll Might Surprise You

WCJ-images-Hillary-ignoresAccording to Gallup, black Americans like Hillary Clinton. She can boast an 80 percent favorability rating among this segment of the population. Why?

For one thing, she’s a liberal, and blacks overwhelming vote for liberals. But why her?

As a former Cabinet member to the first black U.S. president and as first lady to another president who received strong backing from blacks, Clinton is poised to inherit some degree of popularity with the black community, which has historically thrown its electoral support behind Democrats. But while Clinton may lead among the current declared candidates, if Vice President Joe Biden enters the race, it could threaten her dominant favorability among blacks, because Biden is nearly as well-known as Clinton, and the black community views him quite positively.

Dr. Ben Carson tops the GOP list with a positive net favorable rating among blacks — not that it matters, since at least 90 percent of black voters will pull the lever for the Democrats regardless.

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One comment

  1. Clinton is poised to inherit some degree of popularity with the black community, which has historically thrown its electoral support behind Democrats.
    >>>> True only since LBJ’s War on Poverty. MORE historically, blacks supported the Party of Lincoln, i.e.,the GOP.