The Selma Project for Life

Since Kermit Gosnell was first exposed in 2009, many of us have tracked information to refute the abortion industry’s claim that he was an outlier. Presentations have been made to political leaders across the nation that identify case after case of substandard medical care, crimes against patients, not providing care to infants born alive, theft of Medicaid funds, and a host of other criminal and civil violations every day. It was easy to provide a clear picture that abortionists in America violate patients, sometimes violently every day, and those who do are the rule rather than an exception.

One of the bigger shocks to our sensibilities was the revelation that Commonwealth of Pennsylvania officials at every level were complicit in Gosnell’s reign of terror. The Grand Jury report painted a picture of Pennsylvania Department of Health officials ignoring the numerous complaints filed by patients, other physicians, former employees, city workers, insurance companies, and others over the many years Gosnell preyed on poor, Black and Brown women. And once again, we must acknowledge that just as Gosnell was not an outlier, neither are state officials across the country that ignore civil and criminal violations of state laws by abortionists. Samuel Lett, an illegal abortionist in Selma, AL, is just one of the abortionists Alabama officials are unwilling to shut down.

On June 19th (Juneteenth), Black, Caucasian, Latino, Asian, and Native Americans will gather in Selma to rally against this egregious breach of trust. On Saturday, June 20, we will walk across the Pettus Bridge in a show of unity to expose this travesty to the nation while demanding abortionists be held accountable.

I am writing to request your help. Students, leaders, and others who care would like to join us in this initiative, and we would like to help them get there. Our budget for the event is $15 – $20,000 that will be used to rent buses, vans, and other transportation to get some attendees to Selma where there is no airport. Lodging scholarships will be given to some, such as students from Hampton University and Fayetteville State. Banners, memes, and other social media will be developed to brand the event and some funds will be used to rent equipment for the press conference in the park at the end of the bridge. We are hopeful that fifteen to twenty of you will give a gift of $1,000 (or more) to the Selma Project. In exchange, your organization’s logo will be placed on the Selma Project’s mini site and social media pages where attendees can get information on the event and learn details of the two days. To date we have folk from CT, NY, DC, MD, VA, NC, TX, IL, OH, CA, MO, WI, FL who have expressed an interest in attending and more are signing up every day.

We pray you will help us by going to CEC for Life’s website (Click Here) and making a donation today or mailing your contribution to: CEC For Life, 1472 Tomahawk Road, Birmingham, AL 35214. Please note on the website or check for the Selma Project. Please provide your logo to me at this email address or Ryan Bomberger at ASAP for inclusion.

Help us expose the hoax the big abortion business and some state officials are foisting on Americans. Join us in Selma on Juneteenth and join us in helping get voices there to speak for those that cannot speak for themselves.

(Photo credit:’s Steve Ertelt)

Catherine Davis is the founder and president of The Restoration Project. She often partners with the National Black Prolife Coalition, the Network of Politically Active Christians, and the Frederick Douglas Foundation in an ongoing effort to educate Americans about the issues that are impacting the Black community. Catherine, a public speaker and civil rights champion, is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Tufts University who attended the University of Bridgeport School of Law. Early in 2010, she partnered with The Radiance Foundation to launch one of the most news-generating Pro-Life campaigns ever, the “Endangered Species” billboard/web campaign. Catherine was featured in numerous TV, radio and newspaper features including The NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC World News, NPR and throughout the entire blogosphere. She believes in holding public officials accountable and legislatively chipping away at the practices and policies that are ravaging a free America. A former candidate for Congress in Georgia’s fourth district, Catherine is focused on positive change through education, local/state involvement, and peaceful action.

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