The Teflon Hillary Standard

HillaryClinton_2There is a classic Latin epigram about double standards that resounds in the aftermath of the FBI’s surrender this week to the corruptocracy:

“Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.”

Translation: “What is permissible for Jove is not permissible for an ox.”

Jove is the Roman god Jupiter, untouchable ruler of the skies, wielder of the lightning bolt. The ox is a servile beast, sacrificial animal for elites in power, bearer of the heavy yoke.

FBI Director James Comey told us Monday what many of us have already known and long suspected: Hillary Clinton serially lied about her homeland security-jeopardizing homebrew email server, and the Obama administration is letting her get away with it.

After Comey hammered the final nail in the classified-information coffin, the enabler in chief promptly whisked Clinton out of D.C. on his taxpayer-subsidized winged chariot for a joint campaign event in North Carolina and plopped her in front of a lectern carrying the presidential seal — where she stood and hurled her invective against GOP presidential rival Donald Trump, whom she called “unqualified and temperamentally unfit” to occupy the White House.

Unqualified pot, meet unfit kettle.

This is the smug sociopath who led a treacherous State Department team that lied to the public about the deadly Benghazi, Libya, terror attacks, who lied and continues to lie about her Clinton Foundation favor-trading money machine, and who lied repeatedly about compromising U.S. secrets.

Clinton’s campaign audaciously calls the systemic circumvention of transparency and security a “mistake” — like when Grandma butt-dials you accidentally or your toddler tweets out his “Fruit Ninja” high score on your work phone.

But this is what a bona fide mistake looks like: “Oops.”

A one-off. A slip-up. A goof.

And this is what serial subversion of the law looks like:

“Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops.”

That’s 110 oopsy-daisies — the same number of Hillary “I Did Not Email Any Classified Material To Anyone On My Email” Clinton’s emails the FBI tallied that contained classified information, ranging from “confidential” (the lowest level) to “secret” to “top secret,” at the time they were sent or received on her unsecured personal servers. The same wide-open servers the FBI told us Monday were possibly hacked by “hostile actors.”

Speaking of hostile actors: Last week, as Clinton’s slimy husband was yukking it up with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in advance of the Teflon prima donna’s absolution, the Obama Pentagon announced that nine Navy officers had been punished after the humiliating “capture” of American sailors in Iranian waters in January.

One commodore was relieved for cause; the others face disciplinary measures that could effectively end their careers. Extreme carelessness and gross negligence, to borrow the euphemisms du jour, led to a ridiculous chain of events culminating in lost sailors giving up sensitive ship data, laptop passwords, cellphone access and even their military IDs to armed Iranian forces.

For demonstrating “poor leadership and judgment,” failing to maintain “proper communication with higher authority” and failing to show “appreciation of the threat environment,” the Navy screw-ups may well and should lose their jobs.

For her shoddy leadership and dangerous lack of judgment, along with her utter indifference to the threat environment her evasive actions pose to America, Hillary Clinton has the backing of Barack Obama to take his place at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

One standard for Jove, another for the ox. So it was in the fallen civilization of ancient Rome. So it is in corrupted America in 2016.


Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

michelle-malkinMichelle Malkin is author of the new book “Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs.” Her e-mail address is

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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