These Christian Lawyers Asked the Missouri Supreme Court to Protect Male Students’ Privacy in ‘Transgender’ Case

The government must not allow one person’s delusion to infringe on another person’s rights.

A girl can pretend to be a boy, and vice versa. As long as disordered thinking doesn’t interfere with the rights of other individuals, that girl or boy can live in a fantasy world. But that girl or boy may not violate other people’s right to privacy.

A female student sued the Blue Springs School District and school board in Missouri for not allowing her to invade the privacy of male students by using their designated restrooms and locker rooms. The appeals court affirmed the lower court’s decision to dismiss her complaint with prejudice (although the court refers to the girl as “he.”) She appealed to the Missouri Supreme Court.

Alliance Defending Freedom, which represents Americans whose civil liberties are at stake, filed an amicus brief in the case. An excerpt (emphasis added):

Alliance Defending Freedom filed a friend-of-the-court brief Monday with the Missouri Supreme Court in support of a lower court’s dismissal of a lawsuit that would have rewritten state sex nondiscrimination law into a law compelling people and schools to affirm a student’s self-perceived gender.

Specifically, the ADF brief explains that the Missouri Human Rights Act doesn’t require Blue Springs R-IV School District to authorize a girl identifying as a boy to use the boys’ locker rooms and restrooms, in disregard of the privacy rights of other students. Rather, state law fully affirms students’ privacy rights.

“Schools have a duty to respect privacy and dignity for every student,” said ADF Senior Counsel Gary McCaleb. “School locker rooms and restrooms provide a reasonable expectation of privacy from the opposite sex when young students are changing clothes or dealing with personal hygiene. That privacy is lost when gender identity advocates demand that ‘sex’ be reinterpreted to mean ‘gender identity,’ which refers to a fluid spectrum of self-perceptions ranging, as those advocates admit, from masculine to feminine to something else.”

“‘Sex’ means male and female, and the real differences between boys and girls are a real reason for privacy in locker rooms and restrooms,” McCaleb continued. “The Blue Springs school district was right to stand up for student privacy.”

Photo credit: Intel Free Press (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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