Things Got Real in Washington, D.C.

Below are some great photos I want to share from CURE’s Pastor Policy Summit. But I first want to tell you how things got real in Washington, DC.

As you know, because of the financial backing from supporters like you, 40 black conservative pastors attended CURE’s Policy Summit. Many of these men are just starting to examine the role of the black pastor in public policy. Many once bought the lie that the poor are poor because the rich are rich or that African Americans cannot get ahead in America without the help from leftists who promise everything imaginable.

But when we teach pastors new ideas, especially from people who have lived in communities like their own, or from other pastors who do what they do every day of their lives, they quickly understand they’ve been lied to for. too. long.

Here’s how I know things got real: when you see these men after three days of discovering new ideas and they’re about to leave their hotel for the final time, head to the airport and go back to their communities, you can see the change in their faces. You can feel the change in their hand shake, their embrace. And you know it when they hide their tears. I know what they’re feeling because I’ve been there — you know my story.

As you look through these photos below, please keep these men and their wives — who are standing up for freedom — in your prayers! And thank you for making this real.

Senator Tim Scott told me that he was going to do his best to fit our pastors into his schedule. We knew there was a chance he would not be able to make it but he did it! He spoke off-the-cuff, practically as he walked into the room, and inspired our pastors with his story about his failure in high school to becoming the first black elected Senator from the South since 1881!

It was absolutely thrilling to have Kentucky’s Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton with us for the entire event! I know it meant so much to our pastors to sit next to her and talk with her. Her story was so inspiring to our pastors when she spoke about growing up during he Civil Rights era, the space-race era, all while being raised by a single-parent in Detroit. From Martin Luther King to NASA and even Star Trek, when you see the video of her speech — which is coming soon — you will clearly understand how these pastors were inspired with a message unlike any other they have heard before. Lt. Gov. Hampton is a bright star to me, our pastors, and to America.

Dr. Everett Piper is President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University. After a student complained that he was offended by a sermon Dr. Piper gave while students protested racial discrimination and other issues on campuses, he wrote on the school’s website: “This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!” When he spoke to our pastors, the silence in the room was awesome because our pastors listened to his experience word for word. He challenged pastors to stand firm with love even when it’s hard to do. Our pastors are on the front-line of freedom and I knew you would appreciate that they connected with Dr. Piper.

Training: from abortion to economics, for three days our pastors had a heavy diet of coffee, nourishment and freedom!

Every year, I take our pastors on a personal tour to some of my favorite sites in Washington, DC: the Lincoln Memorial, the Martin Luther King Memorial, the Korean War Memorial (one of the most visually stunning)…and give them a perspective about these sites that you don’t get on any other tour.

There will be more photos coming very soon, but even more importantly, we have every speaker on video. I cannot wait to share with you everything we did in three days in Washington, DC!

Thank you, once again, for fighting by my side — and on the side of our pastors — for our freedom!

StarParkerBCNStar Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at

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One comment

  1. So excited to see this happening! Can’t wait for them to speak to their congregations and hopefully it will make a big difference come election day!