This Is What the Obama Admin Thinks of Children’s Modesty, Privacy, and Safety

If parents need one more reason to homeschool their children, they’ve got it.

The Department of Justice and the Department of Education said that it’s against federal law for schools to show concern about the modesty, privacy, and safety (biologically aware common sense) of students by refusing to allow girls pretending to be boys, and vice versa, from using opposite-sex restrooms. From Fox:

The U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Justice made that argument in a friend-of-the-court brief submitted late Wednesday in support of a Virginia teenager who is suing for access to the boys’ restrooms at his high school.

The government’s filing says a Gloucester County School Board policy that requires 16-year-old junior Gavin Grimm to use either the girls’ restrooms or a unisex bathroom constitutes unlawful bias under Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits sex discrimination in education.

The policy denies Grimm “a benefit that every other student at this school enjoys: access to restrooms that are consistent with his or her gender identity,” lawyers for the two departments wrote. “Treating a student differently from other students because his birth-assigned sex diverges from his gender identity constitutes differential treatment on the basis of sex under Title IX.”

We aren’t even close to hitting bottom yet. Sooner than you think, the federal government, the one we pay for, will declare “discriminating” against pedophiles a federal violation.

Perversions of all kinds are on track for mainstream, coercive “tolerance.”

What say you, parents of children in government schools?

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