This School District's Logic-Defying Decision Ignores Privacy, Safety, and Modesty

BathroomsMentallyImpairedDoes anyone really need to explain why homeschooling is on the rise?

Privacy, safety, modesty — these are old-fashioned ideas to liberals. That a girl should not expect to use the same restroom or changing room as a boy, even if he “feels” like a girl, is outdated. A relic of a less enlightened era.

Parents, if you do care about the privacy, safety, and modesty — and the religious freedom — of your children, government schools are the wrong places to be.

The Troy City School District Board of Education in Ohio just defied common sense and decency by declaring that boys pretending to be girls, and vice versa, can use opposite-sex restrooms and locker rooms.

“This is not about his decision to identify as a male or a female,” parent Bryan Kemper told WDTN. “This is not about that. This is about the privacy of my children while using the restroom.”

What started the whole thing is a girl in one of the junior high school’s wanted to use the boys’ restroom, because she “feels” like a boy. The Alliance Defending Freedom is trying to convince the district to reverse the absurd policy. An excerpt:

The ADF letter explains that no law requires public schools to allow boys into girls’ restrooms or girls into boys’ restrooms. In fact, as the letter notes, the district could be exposing itself to legal liability for violating students’ right to bodily privacy.

“Protecting students from inappropriate exposure to the opposite sex is not only perfectly legal, it’s a school district’s duty,” said ADF Legal Counsel Matt Sharp. “Letting boys into girls’ locker rooms and restrooms is an invasion of privacy and a threat to student safety.”

It is earth-shatteringly disappointing that America has come to this. Deviant behavior goes mainstream, and those who oppose it are expected to pretend it makes sense. 

But some young people are pushing back. A teenage boy in a wig pretending to be a girl used the girls’ restroom at a school in Missouri. Rather than walking out to support him, the students walked out and said no, we don’t accept this.

He is male. Even if he surgically alters his anatomy, he will remain male. No one should have to give up his or her rights for the “feelings” of the sexually confused.

Photo credit: Wayan Vota (Creative Commons) – Some Rights Reserved

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