The Trump Administration is Ready to Reveal a Middle East Peace Plan — Will This One Work?

The Trump administration announced it would soon reveal its Middle East peace plan following meetings with regional officials in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Following meetings by President Trump’s Middle East delegation last week, Jared Kushner gave an interview with Palestinian media, announcing the peace plan would be presented soon. Palestinian leadership continues to boycott the Trump administration, refusing to meet with Kushner during his high profile meetings with Arab leadership in the region.

Kushner addressed his meetings and criticized the Palestinian leadership, mainly President Mahmoud Abbas, his failures to his people, and failure to work with Israel or the Trump Administration.

“President Abbas says that he is committed to peace and I have no reason not to believe him. However, I do question how much President Abbas has the ability to, or is willing to, lean into finashing a deal. He has his talking points which have not changed in the last 25 years. There has been no peace deal achieved in that time. To make a deal both sides will have to take a leap and meet somewhere between their stated positions. I am not sure President Abbas has the ability to do that.” Kushner highlighted the “countless mistakes and missed opportunities over the years, and you, the Palestinian people, have paid the price.

“The global community is getting frustrated with Palestinian leadership and not seeing many actions that are constructive towards achieving peace.”

While Kushner did not give details on the peace plan, he confirmed that the “actual details of the deal are between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but the economic plan we are working on will extend to the Jordanian and Egyptian people as well.” He added that the “conflict has held the whole region back and there is so much untapped potential that can be released if peace is achieved.”

Palestinian senior official Saeb Erekat responded to Kushner, claiming Trump’s peace deal is one of “dictation and not negotiations” and attacking the United States actions at the United Nations in defense of Israel. He accused the Trump administration of “walking away from the negotiations, from international law and UN resolutions.” He claimed the peace plan intends to “consolidates Israel’s colonial control over Palestinian land and lives while telling the Palestinian people that money will compensate for our inalienable rights. Plain and simple: Palestine and Palestinian rights are not for sale.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed his meeting with the delegation held Friday, confirming talks centered mainly on Gaza and “diplomatic process and regional issues…I expressed great appreciation for President Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo and of course for Ambassador Haley for the continual ad strong support at the UN, which is very impressive.”

Media reports claimed Netanyahu met with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman on the sidelines during his talks with Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Monday. Secret cooperation and contacts between Saudi Arabia and Israel have been reported numerous times over the past two years.

Note: Amir will address these developments and much more during his LIVE Middle East Current Events Update on Tuesday. He will talk about the Biblical significance of the election results in Turkey and of the soon-to-be-unveiled peace plan of President Trump for the Middle East and the role of Saudi Arabia in it. Tune in on Tuesday at 10:00 pm (Israel time).

Photo credit: Netanyahu Facebook

AmirTsarfatiAmir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

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