Trump Delegation Met With Palestinian and Israeli Officials on Resuming Peace Negotiations

The Trump administration’s Middle East delegation met with Palestinian Authority (PA) officials in Ramallah and Israeli officials in Jerusalem throughout the week. The meetings were centered on resuming peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s special envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, and Ambassador David Friedman met with Saeb Erekat, senior Palestinian official and head negotiator for the Palestinian Authority, Majid Faraj, PA Intelligence Chief, and Mohammed Mustafa, head of the Palestinian Fund.

The meeting focused on main topics for negotiations, including Jerusalem, security, borders, settlements, energy, water, and Palestinian refugees.

According to reports following the meeting, the Trump administration intends for peace talks to resume soon. The delegation has an “open, cordial, and frank discussion on many topics related to peace negotiations. The [American] administration believes that in order to give everyone the best chance to reach an ultimate deal, it is critical to have negotiators that are close with the president and that is why the team includes senior adviser Jared Kushner, Greenblatt and Friedman.”

Erekat reported that the United States told Israel to restrict its settlement expansion. Israel denied these reports on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Greenblatt and Friedman in Jerusalem about reaching a “conflict-ending peace agreement” between both sides, as well as “the Trump administration’s interest in improving the economic environment for Palestinian business community, including Gaza,” according to the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem.

AmirTsarfatiAmir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

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