Trump Grants Clemency to Five Americans, Four of Whom are Black

President Donald Trump is continuing to release black Americans from prison who’ve served their time, Americans he believes has paid their debt to society and deserve to be released to become productive, law-abiding citizens.

He signed Executive Grants of Clemency to commute the sentences of Lenora Logan, Rashella Reed, Charles Tanner, John Bolen, and Curtis McDonald.

  • Logan has served 20 years of her 27-year sentence for cocaine conspiracy. She has provided nursing assistance to other inmates, and she once protected the life of a nurse attacked by an inmate.
  • Reed has served six years of her 14-year sentence for wire fraud and money laundering. After six years in prison, she was released to home confinement. The former teacher has tutored other inmates.
  • Tanner, convicted of drug conspiracy, has served 16 years of his 30-year sentence. He’s completed hundreds of hours of educational programming and has the recommendation of staff and the approval of the warden to participate in an 18-month re-entry program.
  • Bolen has served over 13 years of his life sentence for using his boat to transport cocaine from the Bahamas to Florida. Several Bureau of Prison officials who have supervised him describe him as a “model inmate.”
  • McDonald has served almost 24 years in prison for drug trafficking and money laundering. In addition to a record of good conduct, he’s had good job evaluations while working in prison. He was a mentor in the Mentors for Life program.

All five inmates have taken responsibility for what they’ve done and express remorse.

One of the women President Trump pardoned earlier this year was Alice Johnson, who’d been sentenced to life in prison without parole for a non-violent drug offense. She was featured in a Super Bowl commercial in February. The articulate grandmother has appeared on cable news shows.

“President Trump continues to demonstrate why the issues of criminal justice reform; fairness and second chances are critically important to his Administration,” RNC Senior Communications Advisor for Black Media Affairs Paris Dennard said. “Through his actions today commuting the sentences of five minorities who have been seeking justices far too long.  Last week, Eric Trump was in Scranton, PA, the hometown of the architect of the tragic 1994 Biden Crime Bill, to launch the Trump campaign’s Second Chance Voices for Trump Coalition because President Trump believes these Americans have value and are worth supporting and empowering.”

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One comment

  1. Justice like God never looks at one’s color.