Trump Increases Share of Minority Voters; Files Lawsuits Over Ballot Disputes

While the presidential election results are in dispute, it’s indisputable that the GOP gained ground with minority voters.

According to the Edison exit poll, President Donald Trump increased his share of black voters from eight percent in 2016 to around 12 percent in 2020. Hispanic voters gave President Trump 28 percent of their vote in 2016. On Tuesday, that percentage was 32 percent. The president gained two percent of the Asian vote.

The Trump-is-racist narrative didn’t have quite the impact Democrats hoped. The National Review reported that President Trump won the largest share of non-white voters on Tuesday than any Republican since 1960. Do these increased shares bode well for the GOP in general, or was it about President Trump specifically?

Americans will debate this question for years to come, no matter who wins the 2020 election.

Overall, President Trump improved with minorities and women but not with white men. From Newsweek:

When pollsters asked whether they had backed Trump or the Democratic nominee Joe Biden, 57 percent of white voters said they had opted for the president. But back in 2016, 58 percent of white voters said they had backed Trump at the polls, while just 37 percent broke for Clinton.

Biden’s campaign has built on Clinton’s share of the white vote by 5 points, with the Edison exit poll showing that 42 percent backed the former vice president on Tuesday.

According to the exit poll, voters favor containing the COVID-19 pandemic even if it hurts the economy.

As the election results are still in dispute, President Trump has filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin demanding a recount as of this writing. He’s also filed lawsuits over ballot counting rules in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The Daily Signal reported that most news outlets have Joe Biden leading the Electoral College vote count. An excerpt:

As of Wednesday evening, Fox News Channel had former Vice President Joe Biden just six votes shy of the 270 needed in the Electoral College to defeat President Donald Trump and win the White House.

With Nevada, North Carolina, and Georgia still too close to call, Biden had a lead of 264 electoral votes to Trump’s 214 votes as of Wednesday evening, according to Fox News Channel. The New York Times, however, gave Biden 253 electoral votes.

Some have questioned whether it was wise to allow mail-in voting, even during a global pandemic, because of the problems happening right now. Mailed-in ballots, which one can assume should have been counted first, are still being counted.

When the debacle will end is anyone’s guess.

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