President Donald Trump Signs EO to Protect Women’s Safety, Privacy, and Fair Opportunity in Sports — Now Congress Must Act

Common sense has returned to the White House.

President Donald Trump on Thursday issued an executive order banning men from playing on women’s sports teams. Women and girls will stay safe from men and boys while fairly competing against other women and girls in sports — and no men or boys will be allowed in their restrooms and changing rooms.

“In recent years, many educational institutions and athletic associations have allowed men to compete in women’s sports,” the order reads. “This is demeaning, unfair, and dangerous to women and girls, and denies women and girls the equal opportunity to participate and excel in competitive sports.”

What chance does an all-female team have against a team that includes a tall, strong, fast man? Just ask the women and girls injured by a male pretending to be female. Just ask Riley Gaines, who had to compete against a man in the 2022 NCAA swimming championship and the women who had to change clothes in a janitor’s closet to avoid him. The executive order means they will have privacy again.

Title IX already mandates that schools and educational programs that receive federal funds cannot deny women equal opportunities to participate in sports. Allowing men to compete against women violates this federal law.

“Therefore, it is the policy of the United States to rescind all funds from educational programs that deprive women and girls of fair athletic opportunities, which results in the endangerment, humiliation, and silencing of women and girls and deprives them of privacy.  It shall also be the policy of the United States to oppose male competitive participation in women’s sports more broadly, as a matter of safety, fairness, dignity, and truth.”

You would think that regardless of political affiliation, the idea of a man in a women’s changing room would be appalling to any rational human being. Unfortunately, it’s not. Some leftists consider you appalling if you find the idea of a man in drag walking into a restroom full of girls repugnant.

The U.S. Congress should act next by passing legislation to clarify that the word “sex” in anti-discrimination law never has and never will include sexual orientation and “gender identity.”

Protect our girls! Join us in this fight and help spread the word.

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