Calling Out the Vermont Principals’ Association, Which Penalized a Christian School — Comply with Trump’s Executive Order and PROTECT Girls

Good news for female athletes in Virginia high schools. The Virginia High School League announced on Monday that it will comply with President Donald Trump’s executive order banning boys and men from girls’ and women’s sports teams in schools and educational programs that receive federal funds.

The executive order aligns with Title IX, a federal law that guarantees equal opportunities for girls and women in education.

We’re watching and waiting for other high school athletic associations to comply, particularly the Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA), which blocked Mid Vermont Christian School in 2024 from participating in VPA-sponsored competitions after the school refused to play against a girls’ team with a boy on it.

Chris Goodwin, basketball coach of the girls’ team at Mid Vermont Christian School, forfeited the first round of a state-sponsored tournament after he learned that his team would have to compete against a team with a boy on it.

Goodwin did not want to risk his players getting injured. He told Fox news that he coached all four of his daughters at one point and filled in coaching boys’ basketball team practices. He knows the physical danger. Goodwin said boys just play “at a different speed, a different force…it’s a different game.”

The school and one of the families filed a lawsuit against the secretary of the Vermont Agency of Education, the VPA, and others. The case is still before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

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