Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces and Former Police Officer Wins Black Community News Essay Contest

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) announced today that Cliff Brotherton won the Black Community News (BCN) Essay Contest. Mr. Brotherton, a former police officer, also served in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. His award is $5,000. BCN will publish his essay and promote it on social media.

BCN is a news and commentary site created to inform and engage conservative Christians and support CURE’s mission to fight poverty and restore dignity through messages of faith, freedom, and personal responsibility.

In his winning essay, Mr. Brotherton discussed the question: What good have Neo-progressives done for the Black man?

“The birth in the late 1800s of the ideological Neo-progressive movement in America has had profound effects on the Black man, which have evolved in 2020 into a Black philosophical catastrophe,” he wrote.

Reconciling ourselves with the past is an important step to building a better future. The purpose of the essay contest was to give writers an opportunity to think through and examine the important cultural and political questions facing black Americans today and for the winner to receive recognition of his work.

CURE will present Mr. Brotherton his $5,000 reward virtually at its annual National Policy Summit. At this year’s summit, CURE will launch “The State of Black America” initiative.

The summit will be held on Monday, October 19, and Tuesday, October 20, at the Cosmos Club, 2121 Massachusetts Ave. NW, in Washington, DC. Featured speakers include Jack Brewer, noted commentator and former defensive safety for the Minnesota Vikings, and U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams.

For more information contact CURE COO Dr. William B. Allen at 202-479-2873.

Photo credit: CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

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