Victory for Two Christian Colleges — The Government Can No Longer Force Them to Do This

Many conservatives are wondering, with a Republican Congress and White House, why Obamacare still exists.

As long as it does, Americans who oppose the killing of the unborn must deal with the consequences.

Under Obamacare, employers must provide health insurance that covers birth control drugs that could induce abortions. Although houses of worship and some organizations are exempt from the contraception mandate, others are not. For example, Christian colleges and universities are expected to offer this coverage.

A court ruled against the mandate in May as it applied to four Christian schools in Oklahoma. The court contended that the mandate violated the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Two Christian colleges in Iowa and Michigan were victorious this week. A federal court ruled Tuesday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services could no longer enforce the mandate against Dordt College and Cornerstone University. From the Daily Caller:

Religion-based hospitals and Christian universities objected to the mandate, but many were not provided an exception and faced punishment if they refused to provide services they found objectionable.

After the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services adopted rules allowing the Obama mandate to lapse, the Justice Department dropped its opposition to the suit. These acts were followed by [U.S. District Court Judge Mark W.] Bennett’s Tuesday ruling that HHS could no longer enforce the abortion pill mandate at the universities.

Featured photo credit: Students for Life

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One comment

  1. This article reminds us that we are gaining strength. Let’s not become weary of well-doing.